



Jan 7-13, 2024

Dev Log
Justin Nearing

Start working on Multiple Platform Spawner

It’s been a while since I’ve really been in this part of the project, and none of it is fresh since being on winter holiday break.

  • Setup a new map to test changes
  • Started making changes to Spawn Pool and Music Platform Spawner

Mostly related to clean up, but basically the goal has been to isolate the Generate All Scales blueprint logic and add the ability to provide an array of notes to the spawner.

I’ve had to dig deep this week to get actually working on LETSGO. Pre-holiday momentum is gone and this time of year can be hard for me to focus on work.

Music Production: Fix Ableton OSX

I updated Arturia Analog Lab V to Analog Lab Pro… which ended up breaking Assault on Chunga Mountain. That being said, I did get it finally fixed, which is making me happy. With Assault being so close I didn’t want to lose it, although I could basically call the current version done.

I was hoping to get a stable version of Analog Lab Pro working though, as I started a new song “Freakmode Aftermath” which has a really cool synth where the modulation affects pitch. I basically held down the G key and started modulating live. I want to add electric guitar and just start throwing affects on it.

I might also change it to F or F#- be the F in “Freakmode Aftermath”

But whatever.

Published 👶🏻Childcare Marathons Are Hard

Continued writing Drum Machine

Continued writing 🥁Building the Drum Machine before getting distracted with job search stuff

Also did a blister quick YouTube update:

Its a bit rough n ready, BUT I got it done in like 15 minutes which is pretty good. Uploading a lot of content has better ROI than quality content.